Year after year, I never learn... I always buy too much Halloween candy! I can't help it. I've come from a long-line of Italians who always have way too much food at any social gathering or holiday like Halloween. While we always get a good amount of trick-or-treaters to our house, we always wind up with excess candy. Now add in all the candy my kids put in the "I don't want" bucket," and we have way too much candy for one family to have in their house!
What should I do with my extra Halloween candy? Here's a list of ideas to give that candy to someone who actually wants it:
- Donate candy to Operation Gratitude:
- Donate candy to Soldiers' Angels:
- Including the following location in Jackson:
The White Butterfly
200 North County Line Road
Jackson, NJ 08527
Phone: 7329016262
Days We Accept Candy Donations: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Drop Off Times: 10:00am - 6:00pm (call for dates)
- Bring to your office. It's a great way to get the team "motivated"!
- Freeze it. This way you can use it throughout the year.
- Bake with it. Check out Pinterest for several different ideas here:
And don't forget to leave a few pieces on the side for yourself. You deserve it Momma!